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Which pants to choose for your kayaking trips?

Pantalon étanche kayak

Even if most practitioners practice in summer, which rhymes with good weather, the choice of waterproof kayak pants is not a luxury. Indeed, conditions can change rapidly during the day. It is therefore necessary to be able to readjust your equipment according to the weather conditions. As with all outdoor activities, it is your physical condition and weather that conditions you. This is why it is important to choose the right equipment.

Thermal pants or first skin

The first skin is the first layer of clothing directly in contact with the body. This first layer is designed to protect you from the sun’s UV rays in both summer and winter. In addition to being water-resistant, they have the advantage of drying very quickly and prevent you from feeling prematurely cold. There are several types of materials, some models are thinner or thicker, while others are made of neoprene or micro polar. Thermal clothing, more commonly known as first skin, must be in contact with the body in order to be as effective as possible and above all to provide you with maximum comfort.

Pantalon kayak

Neoprene pants for kayaking

Neoprene is ideal for water sports. Suitable for all types of morphology, there is a large number of fabrics, more or less flexible, with a thin thickness for temperate use and thicker to face the extreme cold. It should be noted that a softer fabric leaves more freedom of movement but does not protect against the cold as well as a thicker fabric. The advantage of neoprene is undoubtedly its affordable price and the performance it offers. Neoprene pants are not waterproof, contrary to what one might think. It is an isothermal garment that has the particularity of letting water in. This thin layer of water between the skin and the fabric regulates the temperature and warms you up.
For kayaking trips in cold weather, it is advisable to complete your equipment with neoprene accessories such as gloves and slippers, in addition to protecting you from the elements, they will protect you from shocks.

Waterproof kayak pants to stay dry

The waterproof kayak pants have the advantage of protecting you from the elements while keeping you warm and dry. There are different qualities of waterproof pants depending on the ranges offered. The top-of-the-range models are completely waterproof and keep you dry even during desalination thanks to durable fabrics and adjustable sleeves at the ends (latex or neoprene depending on the models).
Some models are breathable for more comfort. It is possible to play with the layers and adapt according to the weather conditions. Thermal pants can be worn under waterproof pants to ensure optimal protection.

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